To Provide To The Total Man: Spirit, MIND, and Body
upcoming events
Volunteers Needed for our annual thanksgiving outreach! please call for more information.
The Outreach Clothes Closet is now open on Tuesday instead of Wednesday. Please call for an appointment to shop.
Christmas Giveaway Outreach coming soon. To make donations for children in need, please contact us.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Thanksgiving Drive Thru COMING SOON *FREE Thanksgiving Dinners. *Second Semester School Supplies will be given out. *Request forms for the Christmas Toy Give-a-Way will be available.

El Shaddai Mission Outreach Center
E - S - M - O - C
This Community Development Corporation's mission is to Empower, Support, and Motivate the disadvantaged and disabled through the development of programs, services and community development initiatives that improve the overall well-being of the residents of Uptown/North Memphis, Tennessee.